Industry 4.0 gravitates around one core rationale: recent progress in a variety of digital technologies has created unprecedented possibilities that result in huge improvements in operational effectiveness for manufacturing industries. A necessary condition for the European productive sector to be at the global forefront of technology, ensuring job creation and sustainable growth, is to have access to innovative, entrepreneurial, highly skilled research cross-disciplinary engineers in the fields of production engineering and digital manufacturing technologies. In reply to these needs, DIGIMAN4.0 ITN (DIGItal MANufacturing Technologies for Zero-defect Industry 4.0 Production) has provided world excellent research training to 15 ESRs (Early-Stage Researchers) in the field of digital manufacturing technologies for Industry 4.0 production.
Now, after 63 months of work (from January 2019 to March 2024), 15 PhD projects initiated (7 already graduated), 14 project meetings, 10 training workshops, 61 scientific publications, 2 scientific project conference sessions, 1 edited book/project handbook, the Horizon2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network ‘DIGIMAN 4.0’ is completed!
Key industrial applications have been:
- Precision Extrusion, Precision Moulding and Sensing Actuators for medical devices
- Micro/Nano Electronics for wafer production
- Precision Assembly for Automotive and Aerospace Components
- Precision Machining
- Industrial Production (Machine Tools and Home Appliance technology)
- Production Planning of Energy Components
- Product Design, Process Management, Predictive maintenance
The DIGIMAN4.0 project involved an investment of 4’000’000 € from Horizon2020. We are very thankful to the European Commission for the support and for granting the project.
A huge thanks you to all DIGIMAN 4.0 partners involved for their commitment, continuous support, and excellent contributions: DTU - Technical University of Denmark, Universidad de Zaragoza, Università di Pisa, Politecnico di Milano (proff. M. Annoni, M. Colledani, M. Urgo), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Tekniker.
Many many thanks to our great DIGIMAN 4.0 industrial partners: Inter Primo A/S - Primo Group - Extruded polymer profiles (Denmark), Ortofon A/S (Denmark), Topsil GlobalWafers A/S (Denmark), Carmo A/S (Denmark), Infineon Technologies AG (Germany), Vitesco Technologies ITALY Srl (Italy), Erreka Smart Fastening (Spain), BSH Home Appliances Group ELECTRODOMÉSTICOS ESPAÑA SA (Spain), LEANBOX (Spain), METROMECÁNICA (Spain), Prima Electro (Italy), R.F. CELADA SpA (Italy), Ansaldo Energia (Italy), Pierburg – Rheinmetall Automotive (Italy), Continental Automotive Italy S.p.A. (Italy), Zerynth srl (Italy).
For more info about the project see our website.
For more info about selected research carried out during the project see our open access DIGIMAN 4.0 handbook.