Design and 3D printing of a biocompatible and bioactive pad for the topical treatment of breastfeeding and breast cancer post-surgery pains (3DBioPad) is one of the DMEC project winners of the PRIN call. 3DBioPad addresses two relevant societal challenges: reducing our environmental footprint and improving the lives of women who suffer from breastfeeding and breast cancer post-surgery pains. Breastfeeding pains, such as mastitis and engorged breasts, are among the causes that push women to stop breastfeeding. Less exposure to breastfeeding is one of the reasons behind breast cancer risk increases. Besides, breast cancer removal can cause breast pain due to tissue inflammation or damage. At the same time, the profound transformation of society towards a diet with an even more significant amount of vegan and vegetarian ingredients poses new technological challenges linked to the disposal of rest raw materials generated by the treatment of plant components.
3DBioPad intends to help these two fragile beings, the woman and the earth, by exploiting the design and fabrication potential of 3D printing technologies and the latest studies in valorising the by-products of food supply chains characterised by a linear economy model by promoting, through an innovative approach, the transition towards a circular one.
The Principal Investigator of 3DBioPad is Prof. Serena Graziosi di DMEC. L'Unità di Ricerca di DMEC collaborerà con l'Unità di Ricerca coordinata dalla Prof.ssa Carmen Lammi del Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche dell'Università degli Studi di Milano.