The TRIBUTE (InTegRated and Innovative actions for sustainaBle Urban mobiliTy upgradE) project, started in 2021 and coordinated by the team led by Prof. Pierluigi Coppola from the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano, has officially come to an end. The local institutions of eight cities located in the Adriatic-Ionian region (Ljubljana, Maribor, Milan, Novi Sad, Patras, Podgorica, Sarajevo and Zagreb) were involved as project partners and contributed in the definition of 8 Action Plans and 8 Pilot Actions, one per each city involved, for a sustainable urban mobility compliant with the new goals set by the European Union.
TRIBUTE adopted the Living Labs, approach, meaning an innovative type of "public-private-people partnership" aiming at improving the discussion and collaboration among citizens, companies, researchers, and public administrations (following the so-called "quadruple helix" scheme) with the objective to design, test and validate innovative solutions for sustainable urban mobility.
The Living Labs, after the designated phases of Co-Planning, Co-Implementation & Co-Monitoring, Co-Validation & Co-Review, developed 8 Action Plans which resulted in 8 Pilot Actions later adopted on public transportation, cycling routes and traffic management.
A series of innovative public transport services, designed to increase the decarbonization of transport and promote innovative and tailor-made services, have been implemented and tested in the cities of Ljubljana, Novi Sad, Sarajevo.
A “green” cycling route network has been created in the cities of Maribor, Zagreb and Patras with the objective to improve accessibility and promote the use of bicycles in congested traffic areas.
To improve the management of highly congested road corridors in the cities of Milan and Podgorica an open-source tool for traffic management has been developed.
Moreover, the TRIBUTE project led to the definition of a common Transnational Strategy for sustainable urban mobility in the cities of the Adriatic-Ionian (AI) Region rooted in the results of the implemented project activities, related deliverables, and outcomes. Particularly, the Strategy considers the key findings from TRIBUTE project analyses, concerning:
- socio-demographic changes and travelers’ behavior in the AI Region;
- recommendations from the Action Plans, also including the analysis of best practices and policy guidelines in the three main areas of intervention of the TRIBUTE project, i.e. innovative public transport services, green cycling route network, and management of highly congested road corridors;
- policy recommendations about the transferability of TRIBUTE results and outcomes to other cities in the AI region.
The results of the project about action plans and pilot demonstrators were presented during the final event hosed by Politecnico di Milano on the 8th of September 2023. Afterwards, mobility stakeholders and political decision-makers openly discussed about the TRIBUTE transnational strategy to promote new urban agendas for sustainable, integrated and inclusive mobility.