Phone: +39.02.2399.8689
E-mail: luca1.bernini@polimi.it
Secretary's Office of the RL Manufacturing and Production System
Marcella Netti
Phone: +39.02.2399.8530
E-mail: marcella.netti@polimi.it
Luca Bernini obtained his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 2022. He is currently a fixed-term researcher (RTDa) at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano (scientific disciplinary sector ING-IND/16), since 2023. His research field is mainly focused on the development of advanced solutions in the world of manufacturing and sustainability of production processes. In particular, he deals with the development of digital solutions for production processes. He addresses the advanced monitoring and prognostics of the machine tool, in terms of assembly, subassemblies and consumables through the development of hybrid (model-based, statistical-based and data-driven) techniques, direct and indirect approaches, as well as the generation of digital-twins. A further branch of his research concerns the characterization of sustainable lubrication systems, such as MQL (Minimum Quantity Lubrication) through the development and use of analytical or semi-empirical models. He has also taken part in research activities in funded projects. He is currently the author of four publications on peer-reviewed journals in the field of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7064-7518. ScopusID: 57626358400. He has worked as a teaching assistant in the courses of " Principi di Progettazione e Tecnologia Meccanica " and "Machine Tools and Manufacturing Systems" starting from 2020.