Phone: +39.02.2399.8491
E-mail: luca.lomazzi@polimi.it
Secretary's Office of the RL Machine and Vehicle Design
Licia Simonelli
Phone: +39.02.2399.8212
E-mail: licia.simonelli@polimi.it@polimi.it
Luca Lomazzi works as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano. He obtained a bachelor's degree in Engineering Physics, a master's degree with honors in Aeronautical Engineering, and a Ph.D. with honors in Mechanical Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano, under the supervision of Prof. Andrea Manes and Prof. Francesco Cadini. During his Ph.D., he visited the SIMLab group at the NTNU University in Trondheim, Norway, collaborating with Prof. Vegard Aune and Prof. David Morin, and the research group of Prof. Massimo Ruzzene (CU Boulder, Boulder, CO).
His research interests focus on machine learning techniques in the field of solid mechanics and the response of structures to extreme loads. Specifically, Luca studies:
- Supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques for structural health monitoring
- Deep learning-based surrogate modeling approaches
- Machine learning techniques for reconstructing continuous fields from discrete measurements and for estimating structural parameters
- High-fidelity numerical simulations of extreme loading conditions: ballistic impacts and blast loading
- Complex structures (fractals, hyperbolic structures, quasicrystals) for controlling the propagation of elastic waves
Luca's research activities include studies on metallic, composite, and ceramic materials.
Since 2020, Luca has worked as a teaching assistant for the courses Costruzione di Macchine 1 and Machine Design 2 (Mechanical Engineering). He has also co-supervised numerous master's degree students in Aeronautical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology in their academic journey.
Luca is co-author of numerous scientific articles in journals and conferences, and is involved in research activities in collaboration with some of the world's top universities.