Phone: +39.02.2399.8465
E-mail: paolo.schito@polimi.it
Secretary's Office of the RL Dynamics and Vibrations
Daniela Gosman
Phone: +39.02.2399.8672
E-mail: daniela.gosman@polimi.it
Simona Pozzali
Phone: +39.02.2399.8494
E-mail: simona.pozzali@polimi.it
Born in Venezia, where he did all the undergraduate education, he graduated in Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, he obtained the title of in Mechanical Engineering with a research on the numerical modelling of wind turbines.
His research is undertaken in the Wind Energy and Wind Engineering field, in particular the numerical modeling of fluid-structure interaction.
Author of more than 50 scientific publications, his research is carried out in the field of vehicle aerodynamics both road and rail, in the modelling of atmospheric flow and its interaction with wind turbines and buildings.
He has been awarded with 2 PRACE projects (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) in the Wind Energy field.
He holds two patents for the reduction of aerodynamic drag on terrestrial vehicles.
He participated in the experimental full-scale tests and the numerical modeling of the aerodynamics of the new highspeed train ETR1000-V300Zefiro, contributing to the approval of the aerodynamic part.
He participated to the H2020 project CL-Windcon, where wind farm control strategies were tested experimentally and numerically.
He worked on many research projects on experimental and numerical wind engineering, such as the evaluation of wind loads on buildings and stadiums, the modelling of the effect of porous screens on buildings, the aerodynamics of bicycle and road vehicle wheels and tires. He is also participating to the research in the nautical sector, in particular on the sail aerodynamics with full scale and wind tunnel scale experiments and CFD numerical modelling.
He has taught several bachelor and master degree courses such as: Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Aero-Hydrodynamics of Sailing, Dynamics Control and Diagnostics of Ground Transportation Systems, Mechanical Design, Vibration mechanics and Vehicle Aerodynamics.
His hobbies are in the nautical sector, in particular sailing where he participated in several national and international competitions, and in the mountains, where he hikes and skies.