Phone: +39.02.2399.8591
E-mail: andrea.matta@polimi.it
Secretary's Office of the RL Manufacturing and Production System
Marcella Netti
Phone: +39.02.2399.8530
E-mail: marcella.netti@polimi.it
Andrea Matta is Full Professor of Manufacturing and Production Systems at Department of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano and Guest Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He graduated in Industrial Engineering at Politecnico di Milano where he develops his teaching and research activities since 1998. He was Distinguished Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University from 2014 to 2016. He has been visiting professor at Ecole Centrale Paris (France), University of California at Berkeley (USA), and Tongji University (China).
He is scientific responsible of the Research Area Design and Management of Manufacturing Systems at MUSP (Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Systems). His research area includes analysis, design and management of manufacturing and health care systems. He has published 130+ scientific papers on international and national journals/conference proceedings.
He is Editor in Chief of Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal since 2017, editorial board member of OR Spectrum journal and IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters journal. He is Co-Chair of the technical committee IEE RAS Sustainable Production Automation. He is member of scientific committee in several international conferences. He was awarded with the Shanghai One Thousand Talent and Eastern Scholar in 2013. He has been cited among the Leading Scholars in Production Research by International Journal of Production Research journal.
Thesis Proposals
Tesi TEC 001/2021 - Robust Production Planning under Supply Timing Uncertainty - Prof. Andrea Matta
Thesis TEC 004/2022 - Energy Efficient Control Policies for Smart Manufacturing Systems - Prof. Andrea Matta, Nicla Frigerio
Thesis TEC 005/2022 - Digital Twins for Smart Manufacturing - Prof. Andrea Matta, Giovanni Lugaresi