Phone: +39.02.2399.8675
E-mail: enriquemariano.castrodeza@polimi.it
Secretary's Office of the RL Materials
Cinzia Farina
Phone: +39.02.2399.8283
E-mail: cinzia.farina@polimi.it
Bachelor of Industrial Engineering (mechanical orientation) at National University of Comahue, Argentina (1996), M.Sc. (1998) and D.Sc. (2002) in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Researcher at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2002-2006) and at Polytechnic of Milan, Italy (2007-2009). Associated Professor at University of ConcepciĆ³n, Chile (2008-2010), Assistant Professor at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2010-2018), Visiting Professor (2013-2017), and Associate Professor at Polytechnic of Milan since 2018. Has experience in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, focusing on the experimental evaluation of fracture and fatigue properties of composite and metallic materials in air and in corrosive environments. As a result, in recent years his interaction with the industry world was mainly focused on the oil & gas sector.