Phone: +39.02.2399.8463
E-mail: gaetano.cascini@polimi.it
Secretary's Office of the RL Methods and Tools for Product Design
Cinzia Farina
Phone: +39.02.2399.8283
E-mail: cinzia.farina@polimi.it
Gaetano Cascini holds a Ph.D. in Machine Design and is Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. His research interests cover Design Methods and Tools with a focus on the concept generation stages both for product and process innovation. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science, and member of the Editorial Board of the followings: Research in Engineering Design, International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation. He is also member of the Advisory Board of the Design Society and co-chair of its Design Creativity SIG. He has coordinated several research projects, among the others the European Project Marie Curie-IAPP FORMAT (FORecast and Roadmapping for MAnufacturing Technologies). Currently he is the coordinator of the European projects: SPARK: Spatial Augmented Reality as a Key for co-creativity (Horizon 2020 – ICT) and OIPEC: Open innovation Platform for university-Enterprise Collaboration: new product, business and human capital development (Erasmus+ – Capacity Building in Higher Education). He has authored more than 140 papers presented at International Conferences and published in authoritative Journals and 13 patents (assignees Università di Firenze, Whirlpool Europe, Bracco Imaging, Logli, Scam, Meccaniche Fiorentine, Otlav, Politecnico di Milano, SAES Getters, Elettrotecnica Rold).