Phone: +39.02.2399.8490
E-mail: marco.bocciolone@polimi.it
Secretary's Office of the RL Dynamics and Vibrations
Daniela Gosman
Phone: +39.02.2399.8672
E-mail: daniela.gosman@polimi.it
Simona Pozzali
Phone: +39.02.2399.8494
E-mail: simona.pozzali@polimi.it
Marco Bocciolone received his Master of Science (5 -year course) in Mechanical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 1986. In 1993 he joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano as Researcher on Mechanical and Thermal Measurements (Full professor in 2006); since 2012 he is Full Professor of Applied Mechanics. His research interests concern with the analysis about measurements accuracy, the rotor-dynamics, the wind measurements/characterization, the measurements of wind actions on structures, the railway/vehicle and sub-structure interaction, the measurements for the mechanical systems characterization, the signal processing.
Currently he is the Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and member of the Academic Senate of Politecnico di Milano.