Phone: +39.02.2399.8557
E-mail: michele.monno@polimi.it
Secretary's Office of the RL Manufacturing and Production System
Marcella Netti
Phone: +39.02.2399.8530
E-mail: marcella.netti@polimi.it
Michele Monno is Full Professor of SSD ING-IND/16 "Technologies and Mechanical Processing Systems" at the DMEC of Politecnico. Since 2005 he is the Scientific Director of the MUSP Laboratory (Machine Tools and Manufacturing Systems) based at the Piacenza Technopole. The scientific activity was initially developed in the field of non-conventional cutting processes and, following the activation of the MUSP Laboratory, it expanded towards machining and improvement of numerically controlled machine tools performances. The recently developed research activities include the study of collaborative materials for the structural filling of machine tools, in order to reduce the vibrations induced by the interaction of the tools with the material being processed; the use of cryogenic fluids in the machining of materials (ad Titanium alloys) for aeronautical use. From the beginning of his activity at the Politecnico, he took part in 5 EU projects, 4 projects financed by the CNR and 10 financed by MiSE/MiUR. From 2014 to '18 he was scientific coordinator of the CFI - High Performance Manufacturing project (with 16 academic/industrial partners), funded by the MiUR as part of the CTN (National Technological Clusters) call, and to 9 PRIN projects (as scientific responsible of Research Unit and, twice, as National Coordinator). From 2005 up today he has been the technical-scientific manager of over 100 cooperative research projects together with national and international companies. He is the author of over 180 publications (60 in scientific journals, 100 in proceedings of national and international conferences, chapters in research books, technical and educational contributions. He is also co-author of international patents.