Phone: +39.02.2399.8776(8679)
E-mail: riccardo.gerosa@polimi.it
Secretary's Office of the RL Materials
Cinzia Farina
Phone: +39.02.2399.8283
E-mail: cinzia.farina@polimi.it
Didactic activity
- From the a.y 2003-2004 to the a.y. 2006-2007, support to the following courses: Machine Design, Advanced Design for Mechanical Systems, Materials.
- From the a.y 2006-2007 to the a.y. 2011-2012, support to Mechanical Metallurgy course.
- From the a.y 2005-2006 to the a.y. 2009-2010, support to Metallurgia course at Università degli Studi di Pavia.
- In the a.y 2008-2009 regular professor of Laboratorio di Processi Metallurgici course, Lecco Campus.
- From the a.y 2009-2010 to the a.y. 2016-2017, regular professor of Metallurgia e Materiali non Metallici course, Bovisa Campus.
- From the a.y 2010-2011, regular professor of Applied Metallurgy course, Lecco Campus.
- From the a.y 2018-2019, regular professor of Laboratory of Mechanical Metallurgy course, Lecco Campus.
- Teacher in many industrial updating courses.
Scientific Activity
The scientific activity is documented by 52 papers and 63 presentations at national and international congresses.
Work Experiences
- July 2001 – October 2001, ETA spa – Canzo
- October 2001- July 2002, Fomas spa – Osnago
- September 2002 – January 2003, Istituto Tecnico Romagnosi – Erba
- January 2003 - May 2006, Politecnico di Torino, Ph.D.
- March 2005 – July 2005, Istituto Clerici – Lecco
- March 2006 - December 2008, Politecnico di Milano, Scholarship for industrial research
- December 2008 - January 2022, Politecnico di Milano, Assistant Professor
- From January 2022, Politecnico di Milano, Associate Professor
Education and Training
- 1990-1995, Liceo Scientifico G.Galilei – Erba, Maturità Scientifica (58/60)
- 1995-2000, Politecnico di Milano –Lecco Campus, university degree in Mechanical Engineering (98/100)
- 2001, Politecnico di Milano, Engineer qualifying examination
- 2003-2006, Politecnico di Torino, Ph.D in Metallurgical Engineering