On September 26th, 2024, the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Management Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano received a visit from a delegation of the China Academy of Railway Sciences (CARS), during which future research cooperation was discussed.
Professors Stefano Beretta, Andrea Bernasconi, Stefano Bruni and Paolo Pennacchi presented the results of their recent research activities in the high-speed railway transport sector. This was followed by a visit to the laboratories of the Department of Mechanics and of the Politecnico di Milano wind tunnel. The members of the CARS delegation expressed their appreciation for the high level of research carried out at our University and for the quality of the laboratories. Eng. Steven Cervello, Innovation and Design Manager Railway Division and Ms. Sophia Zhang, key account manager, were present representing Lucchini RS.
At the end of the meeting, Prof. Giuliano Noci, Pro-Rector for the Chinese territorial hub and Mr. Shi Tian Yun, Deputy Chief Engineer of CARS signed a 5-year cooperation agreement which is expected to result in joint research in the railway engineering sector, exchanges of researchers and sharing of laboratories and experimental equipment.
Railway engineering is a historical research sector of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, within which important industrial scientific initiatives have been developed, including the Joint Research Platform (JRP) of railway transport, participation in numerous projects funded by the European Community starting from the Framework Programme 5 (FP5), membership in the International Joint Laboratory of Engineering Dynamics of Rail Transit established at the SouthWest Jaotong University (PRC) and interactions with major academic research centres.
The wealth of technical and scientific knowledge acquired in the sector has recently been transferred to the teaching within the School of Industrial and Information Engineering, through the establishment of the “Railway Engineering” track of the Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
The visit of CARS and the signing of the agreement strengthen the international network of collaborations of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and, more generally, of the Politecnico di Milano in the railway engineering sector and in the Far East geographical area.