Phone: +39.02.2399.8474
E-mail: dayou.ma@polimi.it
Secretary's Office of the RL Machine and Vehicle Design
Licia Simonelli
Phone: +39.02.2399.8212
E-mail: licia.simonelli@polimi.it@polimi.it
Dayou Ma, born in 1993, received his master degree from Northwestern Polytechnical University (NWPU, China) in 2018 and titled PhD cum laude in Mechanical engineering from Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI, Italy) in 2021. He joined DyMaLab of Ghent University (UGENT, Belgium) as a visiting PhD in 2020. He is currently an Assistant Professor (RTDa) at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano. His research covers both numerical and experimental investigations, including but not limited to mechanical responses and fracture behaviours of materials under extreme conditions as well as multifunctional applications of composite materials.
The current focuses of his research are dynamic response of polymers, (nano)composites and metallic materials under impact loading conditions, multi-scale modelling strategies, stochastic modelling with material uncertainties considered, novel numerical approaches about damage and fracture process of materials, and the multifunctional modelling of (nano)composites.
He is the co-author of many publications in international journals and the international conference proceedings.
Thesis Proposals
Thesis CMV 016/2023 - Application of machine learning in prediction of low-velocity impact response of hybrid composites - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes, Prof. Francesco Cadini, Dayou Ma
Thesis CMV 017/2023 - Modelling of nanocomposites - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes, Prof. Francesco Cadini
Thesis CMV 018/2023 - Strain rate effect and variability on different polymer materials - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes, Dayou Ma
Thesis CMV 019/2023 - Multiscale investigation on the fracture behaviour of metallic materials under corrosion - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes, Dayou Ma
Thesis CMV 014/2024 - Efficient numerical method for replicating mechanical behaviours of cloth-like composite materials - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes, Dayou Ma
Thesis CMV 015/2024 - Investigation on the interface of composite materials - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes, Dayou Ma
Thesis CMV 016/2024 - Design and analysis of structural batteries at multiscale levels - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes, Dayou Ma