Phone: +39.02.2399.8630
E-mail: andrea.manes@polimi.it
Secretary's Office of the RL Machine and Vehicle Design
Licia Simonelli
Phone: +39.02.2399.8212
E-mail: licia.simonelli@polimi.it@polimi.it
Andrea Manes was born in La Spezia in 1976. He obtained the Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mechanical Engineering Systems at Politecnico di Milano. At present He is Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano.
Main research topics are in the field of structural engineering, mechanical behaviour of materials, machine design under extreme loading conditions, and modelling approaches for monitoring strategies:
- assessment and optimization of components and systems under static, spectrum/fatigue and extreme loads (ballistic damage, low velocity impact, large deformation, corrosion, crack propagations, delamination, fragmentation, explosions, etc.);
- application of novel approaches in structural integrity design (flaw tolerant, vulnerability, condition based, etc.);
- innovative predictive methods (multiphasic, FSI, meshless)
- investigation in mechanical behaviour of materials (metals, composite, ceramic, nanocomposites, etrc);
- monitoring, diagnosis and prognosis of critical structures under fatigue loads and impact loads by means of modelling approaches.
Research activities are aimed to solve challenging theoretical and/or applied problems using rigorous scientific approaches and innovative methodologies. He has actively participated to several EU, EDA, National, and industrial projects. He published more than 140 papers (Hindex 22 – source Scopus) mainly in referred international journals and congresses (ID orcid.org/0000-0001-7485-8980). He is in the editorial board of International Journal of Impact Engineering.
He led a research team aimed to advanced engineering approaches for the structural integrity assessment and design of mechanical and aerospace components. He supervised 14 PhD students and more that 60 Master students. Several collaborations have been activated with industrial and institutional entities.
Formerly He was Visiting Professor at Tongji University Tongji University, Shanghai (China) Lecturer of "Machine Design I" inside POLITONG Fellowship (2013) and Visiting Scientist N.T.N.U. - SIMLab, Trondheim (Norway 2008-2009)
Thesis Proposals
Thesis CMV 016/2023 - Application of machine learning in prediction of low-velocity impact response of hybrid composites - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes, Prof. Francesco Cadini, Dayou Ma
Thesis CMV 017/2023 - Modelling of nanocomposites - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes, Prof. Francesco Cadini
Thesis CMV 018/2023 - Strain rate effect and variability on different polymer materials - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes, Dayou Ma
Thesis CMV 019/2023 - Multiscale investigation on the fracture behaviour of metallic materials under corrosion - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes, Dayou Ma
Thesis CMV 022/2023 - Development of a methodological approach to describe the vulnerability of platforms subjected to complex threat mechanisms - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes
Thesis CMV 025/2023 - Numerical characterisation of blast loaded structures and development of machine learning-based surrogate models - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes, Prof. Francesco Cadini
Thesis CMV 026/2023 - Numerical simulations of healthy and damaged ceramic and composite panels subjected to ballistic impact - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes
Thesis CMV 027/2023 - Numerical models of underwater explosions (UNDEX) - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes
Thesis CMV 031/2023 - Develop high-fidelity structure and material modelling techniques for naval platform - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes
Thesis CMV 035/2023 - Analysis of Guided waves (GWs) propagation in cylindrical composite vessels - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes, Prof. Claudio Sbarufatti
Thesis CMV 039/2023 - Digital-twin for health monitoring of a helicopter transmission shaft subject to impact damage - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Claudio Sbarufatti
Thesis CMV 043/2023 - Impact monitoring of Type IV Pressure vessels for hydrogen storage - Prof. Claudio Sbarufatti, Prof. Andrea Manes
Thesis CMV 004/2024 - Numerical models for underwater explosions (UNDEX) - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes
Thesis CMV 007/2024 - Development of a custom homogenized composite finite element - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes
Thesis CMV 008/2024 - Numerical assessment of military helmets subjected to blast load - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes
Thesis CMV 009/2024 - Reduced order models applied to impacts engineering - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes
Thesis CMV 010/2024 - Numerical approaches for modelling the ballistic impact onto metallic and ceramic protections - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes
Thesis CMV 011/2024 - Triggering the detonation of high-explosives through blast waves and fragments - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes
Thesis CMV 012/2024 - Desing of a Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes
Thesis CMV 013/2024 - Optimization of Metamaterial Sandwich Panels for Blast Loading Protection - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes
Thesis CMV 014/2024 - Efficient numerical method for replicating mechanical behaviours of cloth-like composite materials - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes, Dayou Ma
Thesis CMV 015/2024 - Investigation on the interface of composite materials - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes, Dayou Ma
Thesis CMV 016/2024 - Design and analysis of structural batteries at multiscale levels - Prof. Marco Giglio, Prof. Andrea Manes, Dayou Ma