Phone: +39.02.2399.8229
E-mail: lucamichele.martulli@polimi.it
Secretary's Office of the RL Machine and Vehicle Design
Licia Simonelli
Phone: +39.02.2399.8212
E-mail: licia.simonelli@polimi.it@polimi.it
Born in Bari (IT) in 1992.
October 2013: Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Pisa, grade 107/110.
July 2016: Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Pisa, grade 110/110 cum laude. Title of the thesis:” Development of a user-defined cohesive element to model delamination behaviour in composites under fatigue loads”.
February 2017 – June 2020: Industrial “Marie- Sklodowska Curie” PhD in Materials Engineering obtained at Toyota Motor Europe with the academic supervision of KU Leuven (both in Belgium). Thesis title: “Static and Fatigue Performance of Carbon Fibre Sheet Moulding Compound Components”. His PhD dealt with the mechanical testing and numerical modelling of “sheet moulding compound” composites, with discontinuous reinforcement: the activity involved the static and fatigue analysis of both the material itself and automotive components. Within the PhD, he spent several months as visiting researcher at the Imperial College of London and at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin. The PhD was funded by the European project FiBreMoD.
November 2020 – to date: Research associate at the Politecnico di Milano.
His research focused on composite materials, particularly on fibre reinforced plastics. He is currently involved in several research activities, among which: the mechanical characterisation and modelling of 3D printed composites; the mechanical characterisation and modelling of short fibres reinforced plastics; the design of 3D printed prosthetic devices; adhesive modelling through cohesive zone modelling.