Phone: +39.02.2399.8592
E-mail: marco.diani@polimi.it
Secretary's Office of the RL Manufacturing and Production System
Marcella Netti
Phone: +39.02.2399.8530
E-mail: marcella.netti@polimi.it
Born in Gallarate in 1988, Marco Diani has a Bachelor's Degree in Physics Engineering and a Master's Degree in Material Engineering and Nanotechnologies. After some working experiences in the industrial sector, he started his research career at the Institute of Industrial and Automation Technologies of the National Research Council (ITIA-CNR now STIIMA-CNR). He obtained his PhD cum Laude in Mechanical Engineering in 2021 at Politecnico di Milano with a thesis titled “Cyber-Physical System for the control of size-reduction processes to enable cross-sectorial circular economy”. He is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Politecnico di Milano since 2023.
His research topic is on Circular Economy, in particular on demanufacturing. He focuses on the development of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) for the optimization and control of mechanical recycling processes. His work led to the implementation of a CPS, with a patent-pending, to control size reduction processes, maximizing the quantity of reusable target material and minimizing process costs, with application in the specific case study of glass fiber-reinforced plastics.
Thanks to his involvement in several research projects (mainly at the EU level), he acquired horizontal competencies in Circular Economy and demanufacturing processes with applications in different fields such as composites to mechatronics and electronics.
He is an assistant professor of the “Demanufacturing” course for Master's Degree students in Management Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and Materials Engineering and of the “Tecnologia Meccanica e Qualità” course for Bachelor's Degree students in Management Engineering.
He's a member of AITEM (the Italian Association of Manufacturing).