Phone: +39.02.2399.8554
E-mail: marco.tarabini@polimi.it
Secretary's Office of the RL Measurements
Yixin Chen
Phone: +39.02.2399.8406
E-mail: yixin.chen@polimi.it
Marco Tarabini was born in Lecco (Italy) on June 2, 1978; he obtained the master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and the PhD cum laude in Engineering of Mechanical systems at Politecnico di Milano. He is actually associate professor at the Politecnico di Milano. Dr. Tarabini research focuses on the study of the response of the human body to vibration, on the study of measurement uncertainty in industrial applications and on the design of measurement instruments to be used in harsh environments. Dr. Tarabini coordinated different research projects funded by Lombardy region, by INAIL and by the Italian Ministry for the Economical Growth in the above mentioned research areas. Dr. Tarabini has authored two book chapters, more than 50 scientific works published in peer-reviewed journals and more than 60 papers published in conference proceedings. He is the co-inventor of 3 patents. He is the vice coordinator of the course of study of Mechanical Engineering and scientific coordinator of 2 Joint Research Centers of Politecnico di Milano (MATT and Vibram). He is a member of the editorial board of 2 scientific Journals, of the steering committee of the Lecco Metal district and director of the PoliLINK@Lecco service. He supervised more than 70 MSc thesis and of 2 PhD theses.
Thesis Proposals
Thesis MIS 002/2021 - Survey and implementation of state of the art Deep Learning algorithms for performing 3D Object Detection in robotic applications - Prof. Marco Tarabini, Remo Sala
Thesis MIS 003/2021 - Metrological characterization of a 3D vision system for performing randomized bin picking via robots - Prof. Marco Tarabini, Remo Sala
Thesis MIS 004/2021 - Hyperspectral imaging for the development of advanced food sorting systems - Prof. Marco Tarabini, Remo Sala
Thesis MIS 005/2021 - Computer vision and AI for the detection of flames in molten aluminum baths - Prof. Marco Tarabini, Remo Sala
Thesis MIS 006/2021 - High frequency vibration measurements for the predictive maintenance of hydraulic valves - Prof. Marco Tarabini, Remo Sala
Thesis MIS 007/2021 - Design and testing of a profilometer for geometric measurements of high-temperature forged bars - Prof. Marco Tarabini, Remo Sala
Thesis MIS 008/2021 - Design and testing of an open loop controller for a shaker aimed at the study of the effect of vibration on human gait - Prof. Marco Tarabini
Thesis MIS 009/2021 - Design and testing of a 3D vision system to study the effect of vibration on human locomotion - Prof. Marco Tarabini
Thesis MIS 010/2021 - ProFil: Design of an optical fiber measurement system for composite prosthesis monitoring - Prof. Marco Tarabini
Thesis MIS 011/2021 - Modelling the effect of vibration on the human gait - Prof. Marco Tarabini