Phone: +39.02.2399.8584
E-mail: remo.sala@polimi.it
Secretary's Office of the RL Measurements
Yixin Chen
Phone: +39.02.2399.8406
E-mail: yixin.chen@polimi.it
Remo Sala was born on 16th January 1961 in Casatenovo, Italy. He graduated in Mechanical Engineering, field of study of Instrumentation-Electronics and he got a PhD in Applied Mechanics, both at Politecnico di Milano.
His research activity initially focused on industrial and medical robotics and then on non-contact measurements using 2D and 3D cameras, both in the visible and in the infrared. The approach is metrological, so a wide space is dedicated to the estimation of the measurement uncertainty and to the metrological qualification of the instruments. The field of application is the use of cameras as measurement tools and robot guidance within the manufacturing industry.
He has carried out and coordinated several industrial research projects financed by Regione Lombardia and the Ministry of Economical Development.
He is author of one book, co-author of a second one, and co-inventor of four patents.
In 2006 he co-founded ISS srl, the Spin-Off of Politecnico di Milano that it produces 3D robot guidance systems and vision systems for product control in automated plants for the pharmaceutical sector. In 2014 he jointly founded Steriline Robotics, the Spin-Off of Politecnico di Milano, that implemented a system for the production of personalized drugs; the company was later fully acquired by the Steriline group.
Thesis Proposals
Thesis MIS 002/2021 - Survey and implementation of state of the art Deep Learning algorithms for performing 3D Object Detection in robotic applications - Prof. Marco Tarabini, Remo Sala
Thesis MIS 003/2021 - Metrological characterization of a 3D vision system for performing randomized bin picking via robots - Prof. Marco Tarabini, Remo Sala
Thesis MIS 004/2021 - Hyperspectral imaging for the development of advanced food sorting systems - Prof. Marco Tarabini, Remo Sala
Thesis MIS 005/2021 - Computer vision and AI for the detection of flames in molten aluminum baths - Prof. Marco Tarabini, Remo Sala
Thesis MIS 006/2021 - High frequency vibration measurements for the predictive maintenance of hydraulic valves - Prof. Marco Tarabini, Remo Sala
Thesis MIS 007/2021 - Design and testing of a profilometer for geometric measurements of high-temperature forged bars - Prof. Marco Tarabini, Remo Sala