Phone: +39.02.2399.8689
E-mail: paolo.albertelli@polimi.it
Secretary's Office of the RL Manufacturing and Production System
Marcella Netti
Phone: +39.02.2399.8530
E-mail: marcella.netti@polimi.it
Paolo Albertelli has been developing his research activities as an Assistant Professor of the Mechanical Engineering Department (academic discipline ING-IND/16) of Politecnico di Milano since December 2011.
His research has been focused mainly on the development of Advanced Manufacturing Solutions and Manufacturing Processes Sustainability.
More specifically, a branch of his research deals with Machine Tool dynamics and cutting stability. Regenerative chatter modelling, cutting stability prediction, chatter monitoring, vibration suppression and the development of advanced monitoring solutions are some of the covered topics. He is even working on Prognostics and Health Management PHM of Machine Tools and their functional modules.
Another branch of his research is focused on Energy consumption (assessment, identification, modelling and reduction) in Machine Tools, in linked subunits and in other Automatic Machines. Moreover, he is working on cryogenics as a feasible and sustainable solution for machining hard to cut materials and for some forming processes.
The adopted research methodologies range from the Finite Element FE modelling to the analytical developments and from the experimental procedures to the data analysis techniques.
He is the author of more than 40 publications in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences and he is author of a patent (ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5098-0420, SCOPUS ID: 41761164300, Google Scholar).
He has been involved in several Research Founded Projects both as principal investigator and as researcher
His research activities are characterized by international collaborations (both in the framework of European founded projects and developed as personal initiatives (Loughborough University (UK), The University of British Columbia (Canada) and the Budapest University (Hungary)) and national collaborations (mainly with University of Udine and STIIMA CNR).
He permanently collaborates with companies and specifically with machine tools manufacturers.
Thesis Proposals
Thesis TEC 006/2022 - Experimental identification of heat transfer coefficient in cryogenic jet impingement - Prof. Paolo Albertelli, Tommaso Lucchini