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The research activities of the Measurements Research Line deal with developing and qualifying experimental and innovative measurement techniques, as well as studying and applying more conventional ones in new fields. Our activities include the development and application of new sensors, focusing on their meteorological aspects and the investigation and analysis of the features of instruments and measurement chains.
The across-the-board nature of the Measurements Research Line leads to creating multidisciplinary research activities. The research topics include measurements for Industry 4.0 and space, civil, hydraulic, railway and biomedical industries. Some of these topics are addressed in some already active projects and when carrying out tests. The wide-range network of collaboration - with domestic and international research centres - and companies witnesses the central role played by measurements in the scientific research processes and technological development.
The teaching programme revolves around experimenting and working on projects while exploiting the available spaces of our campuses or in collaboration with companies.

The Research Line of Measurements is at the ground floor of B22 bulding (former PPG), via La Masa 34.

Head of the RL
Prof. Emanuele Zappa
Phone: +39.02.2399.8445

Cinzia Farina
Phone: +39.02.2399.8283

Thesis Proposals