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De Ponti J.M., Colombi A., Riva E., Ardito R., Braghin F., Corigliano A., Craster R.V.
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(2019) Euro PM 2019 Congress and Exhibition,
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(2021) Advanced Engineering Materials,
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(2019) Metals, 9, art. no. 1063
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De Ponti J.M., Colombi A., Riva E., Ardito R., Braghin F., Corigliano A., Craster R.V.
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(2019) Euro PM 2019 Congress and Exhibition,
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Platl J., Bodner S., Hofer C., Landefeld A., Leitner H., Turk C., Nielsen M.-A., Demir A.G., Previtali B., Keckes J., Schnitzer R.
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(2022) Additive Manufacturing, 50, art. no. 102541
Pourheidar A., Patriarca L., Madia M., Werner T., Beretta S.
Progress in the measurement of the cyclic R-curve and its application to fatigue assessment
(2022) Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 260, art. no. 108122
Scazzosi R., Brejão de Souza S.D., Amico S.C., Giglio M., Manes A.
Experimental and numerical evaluation of the perforation resistance of multi-layered alumina/aramid fiber ballistic shield impacted by an armor piercing projectile
(2022) Composites Part B: Engineering, 230, art. no. 109488
Romano T., Migliori E., Mariani M., Lecis N., Vedani M.
Densification behaviour of pure copper processed through cold pressing and binder jetting under different atmospheres
(2022) Rapid Prototyping Journal,
Karimi H.R., Wang N., Man Z.
Learning-based robust control methodologies under information constraints
(2022) International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,
Yang D., Karimi H.R., Gelman L.
A Fuzzy Fusion Rotating Machinery Fault Diagnosis Framework Based on the Enhancement Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
(2022) Sensors, 22, art. no. 671
Kaljevic A., Demir A.G.
Influence of shielding gas flow on the µLMWD of biodegradable Mg alloy and permanent stainless steel for additive manufacturing of biomedical implants
(2022) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,
Casati R., Vedani M.
Effect of Cu content on hot-crack resistance of Al-Cu-Mg alloys produced by laser powder bed fusion
(2022) Philosophical Magazine Letters,
Mastinu G., Solari L.
Electric and biomethane-fuelled urban buses: comparison of environmental performance of different powertrains
(2022) International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment,
Abdelwahed M., Casati R., Larsson A., Petrella S., Bengtsson S., Vedani M.
On the Recycling of Water Atomized Powder and the Effects on Properties of L-PBF Processed 4130 Low-Alloy Steel
(2022) Materials, 15, art. no. 336
Casati R., Vedani M., Volpp J.
Design and Characterization of Al–Mg–Si–Zr Alloys with Improved Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processability
(2022) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 53, pp. 331-343
Ballo F., Carboni M., Mastinu G., Previati G.
Wires for spring construction: full scale fatigue experimental tests
(2022) Meccanica, 57, pp. 213-228
Gavazzoni M., Foletti S., Pasini D.
Cyclic response of 3D printed metamaterials with soft cellular architecture: The interplay between as-built defects, material and geometric non-linearity
(2022) Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 158, art. no. 104688
Xiao H., Zhu Q., Karimi H.R.
Stability of stochastic delay switched neural networks with all unstable subsystems: A multiple discretized Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals method
(2022) Information Sciences, 582, pp. 302-315
Wang Z., Suo T., Manes A.
Effect of chemical strengthening residual stress on the flexural performance and fracture behavior of aluminosilicate glass
(2021) Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 258, art. no. 108104
Lima R.A.A., Perrone R., Carboni M., Bernasconi A.
Experimental analysis of mode I crack propagation in adhesively bonded joints by optical backscatter reflectometry and comparison with digital image correlation
(2021) Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 116, art. no. 103117
Gavazzoni M., Pisati M., Beretta S., Foletti S.
Multiaxial static strength of a 3D printed metallic lattice structure exhibiting brittle behavior
(2021) Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 44, pp. 3499-3516
Mombelli D., Gonçalves D.L., Mapelli C., Barella S., Gruttadauria A.
Processing and Characterization of Self-Reducing Briquettes Made of Jarosite and Blast Furnace Sludges
(2021) Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, 7, pp. 1603-1626
Li Z., Gariboldi E.
On the use of effective thermophysical properties to predict the melting process of composite phase change materials with coarse structures
(2021) International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 180, art. no. 121765
Martulli L.M., Barriga Ruiz P., Rajan A., Bárnik F., Sága M., Bernasconi A.
Infill shape effects on bending stiffness of additively manufactured short fibre reinforced polymer sandwich specimens
(2021) Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 40, pp. 927-938
Vescovini A., Balen L., Scazzosi R., da Silva A.A.X., Amico S.C., Giglio M., Manes A.
Numerical investigation on the hybridization effect in inter-ply S2-glass and aramid woven composites subjected to ballistic impacts
(2021) Composite Structures, 276, art. no. 114506
Massocchi D., Riboni G., Lecis N., Chatterton S., Pennacchi P.
Tribological Characterization of Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK) Polymers Produced by Additive Manufacturing for Hydrodynamic Bearing Application
(2021) Lubricants, 9, art. no. 112
Belloli F., Demir A.G., Previtali B.
Understanding the deformation mechanisms of horizontal internal channels during the LPBF of 18Ni300 maraging steel
(2021) Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 71, pp. 237-248
Karimi H.R.
Editorial special issue on recent developments in deep neural networks for intelligent mechatronics
(2021) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 235, pp. 1731-1732
Karimi H.R.
Guest Editorial: Special issue on recent technological innovations in automation and control systems for marine vehicles
(2021) Control Engineering Practice, 116, art. no. 104928
Sajedi Z., Casati R., Poletti M.C., Wang R., Iranshahi F., Vedani M.
Comparative thermal fatigue behavior of AlSi7Mg alloy produced by L-PBF and sand casting
(2021) International Journal of Fatigue, 152, art. no. 106424
Petrò S., Pagani L., Moroni G., Scott P.J.
Conformance and nonconformance in segmentation-free X-ray computed tomography geometric inspection
(2021) Precision Engineering, 72, pp. 25-40
Barricelli L., Beretta S.
Analysis of prospective SIF and shielding effect for cylindrical rough surfaces obtained by L-PBF
(2021) Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 256, art. no. 107983
Li B., Lu Y., Karimi H.R.
Adaptive fading extended kalman filtering for mobile robot localization using a doppler–azimuth radar
(2021) Electronics (Switzerland), 10, art. no. 2544
Bertolini M., Rossoni M., Colombo G.
Operative workflow from ct to 3d printing of the heart: Opportunities and challenges
(2021) Bioengineering, 8, art. no. 130
Pisati M., Corneo M.G., Beretta S., Riva E., Braghin F., Foletti S.
Numerical and experimental investigation of cumulative fatigue damage under random dynamic cyclic loads of lattice structures manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
(2021) Metals, 11, art. no. 1395
Gao S., Chatterton S., Pennacchi P., Chu F.
Behaviour of an angular contact ball bearing with three-dimensional cubic-like defect: A comprehensive non-linear dynamic model for predicting vibration response
(2021) Mechanism and Machine Theory, 163, art. no. 104376
Bertoli L., Caltanissetta F., Colosimo B.M.
In-situ Quality Monitoring of Extrusion-based Additive Manufacturing via Random Forests and clustering
(2021) IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2021-August, pp. 2057-2062
Berardengo M., Manzoni S., Thomas O., Giraud-Audine C., Drago L., Marelli S., Vanali M.
The reduction of operational amplifier electrical outputs to improve piezoelectric shunts with negative capacitance
(2021) Journal of Sound and Vibration, 506, art. no. 116163
Carasi G., Yu B., Hutten E., Zurob H., Casati R., Vedani M.
Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure Evolution of X38CrMoV5-1 Hot-Work Tool Steel Produced by L-PBF
(2021) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 52, pp. 2564-2575
Cacace S., Semeraro Q.
Improvement of SLM Build Rate of A357 alloy by optimizing Fluence
(2021) Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 66, pp. 115-124
Yang D., Sun K.
A CAE-Based Deep Learning Methodology for Rotating Machinery Fault Diagnosis
(2021) 2021 7th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics, ICCAR 2021, -396
Volpp J., Casati R.
Fluctuations of tracks and layers during aluminium laser powder-bed fusion
(2021) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11, art. no. 3132
Petrò S., Reina C., Moroni G.
X-ray CT-Based Defect Evaluation of Continuous CFRP Additive Manufacturing
(2021) Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 40, art. no. 7
Arrigoni S., Braghin F., Cheli F.
MPC trajectory planner for autonomous driving solved by genetic algorithm technique
(2021) Vehicle System Dynamics,
Karimi H.R., Wang N., Jin X., Zemouche A.
Guest Editorial: Special issue on neural networks-based reinforcement learning control of autonomous systems
(2021) Neurocomputing,
Wang Z., Manes A.
Investigation of the biaxial flexural fracture of aluminosilicate glass by smeared fixed crack method
(2021) Procedia Structural Integrity, 33, pp. 337-346
Previati G., Gobbi M.
Test bench for characterization and durability tests of motorbike clutches
(2021) Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 1, art. no. V001T01A013
Mei P., Karimi H.R., Yang S., Xu B., Huang C.
An adaptive fuzzy sliding-mode control for regenerative braking system of electric vehicles
(2021) International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing,
Cacace S., Semeraro Q.
Fast optimisation procedure for the selection of L-PBF parameters based on utility function
(2021) Virtual and Physical Prototyping,
Chatterton S., Pennacchi P., Vania A., Dang P.V.
Optimization of an oil film journal bearing for temperature reduction
(2021) Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 9A-2021, art. no. V09AT24A023
Yang D., Karimi H.R., Sun K.
CNN-based early classification of rotating machinery fault diagnosis
(2021) 17th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Asset Management, CM 2021,
Li Z., Gariboldi E.
Analysis of the applicability of effective thermophysical properties to composite phase change materials
(2021) Materials Science Forum, 1016 MSF, pp. 813-818
Pennacchi P., Chatterton S., Vania A.
Diagnostics of Roller Bearings Faults During Long-Lasting Tests
(2021) Mechanisms and Machine Science, 91, pp. 687-698
Petrò S., Moroni G.
3D Identification of Face and Flank in Micro-mills for Automatic Measurement of Rake Angle
(2020) Nanomanufacturing and Metrology, 3, pp. 151-163
Zhang Z., Kong L., Niu Y., Liang Z.
Modification of gesture-determined-dynamic function with consideration of margins for motion planning of humanoid robots
(2020) Filomat, 34, pp. 5033-5048
Pigazzi R., Confalonieri C., Rossoni M., Gariboldi E., Colombo G.
Ontologies as a tool for design and material engineers
(2020) ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), 6, art. no. 0
Pennacchi P., Cazzulani G., Silva A.
Modal analysis of turbine blades by means of distributed optical fiber sensors
(2020) Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo, 11, art. no. 0
Hamidi Nasab M., Loge R., Casati R., Boillat E., Vedani M.
A study on the surface features of the SLM processed parts and their journey to become bulk defects
(2019) Euro PM 2019 Congress and Exhibition,
Bengtsson S., Casati R., Larsson A., Riccio M., Abdelwahed M., Vedani M.
Design of structural low-alloy steels for laser-powder bed fusion
(2019) Euro PM 2019 Congress and Exhibition,
Deirmina F., Davies P.A., Casati R.
Effects of Powder Atomization Route and Post-Processing Thermal Treatments on the Mechanical Properties and Fatigue Resistance of Additively Manufactured 18Ni300 Maraging Steel
(2021) Advanced Engineering Materials,
Casati R., Coduri M., Riccio M., Rizz, A., Vedani M.
Development of a high strength Al–Zn–Si–Mg–Cu alloy for selective laser melting
(2019) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 801, pp. 243-253
Oliveira de Menezes J.T., Castrodeza E.M., Casati R.
Effect of build orientation on fracture and tensile behavior of A357 Al alloy processed by Selective Laser Melting
(2019) Materials Science and Engineering A, 766, art. no. 138392
Bengtsson S., Casati R., Larsson A., Riccio M., Abdelwahed M., Vedani M.
Design of structural low-alloy steels for laser-powder bed fusion
(2019) Euro PM 2019 Congress and Exhibition,
Gariboldi E., Colombo L.P.M., Fagiani D., Li Z.
Methods to Characterize the Effective Thermal Conductivity, Diffusivity and Thermal Response in Different Classes of Composite Phase Change Materials
(2019) Materials, 12, art. no. 2552
Confalonieri C., Li Z., Gariboldi E.
Metallic form-stable phase change materials for thermal energy storage and management: general features and effect of manufacturing process on thermal response and stability
(2020) La Metallurgia Ital. Int J. Ilat. Assoc. Metall., 7, pp. 12-20
Li Z., Gariboldi E.
Reliable estimation of effective thermal properties of a 2-phase material by its optimized modelling in view of Lattice Monte Carlo simulation
(2019) Computational Materials Science, 169, art. no. 109125
Confalonieri C., Perrin M., Gariboldi E.
Combined powder metallurgy routes to improve thermal and mechanical response of Al-Sn composite Phase Change Materials
(2020) Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 30, pp. 3226-3239